Three children this morning perished in a fire in Hopeful Village this morning. The kids, aged 18, 15 and nine years old, were incinerated during the blaze which occurred sometime between midnight and 2:00 am.
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Why extra-judicial killings don't work....@one876
Sat Mar 7 , 2015
<p> </p> <p> Citing data from his 2008 thesis entitled Poverty and Violence: A study of select inner-city communities in Jamaica and Britain, he noted that here in Jamaica, this has also been the case. The increase<br /> in murders from 152 in 1970 to 232 in 1973 — following the general elections of 1972 — for example, prompted the passage of the Suppression of Crime Act in 1974, giving police extra common law powers of detention. By 1978, murders were up to 381.</p>
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