The Strong One is a special guest of the royal reggae family who recently embarked on their Avrakedabra world tour 2017. Fans will be treated to some classic roots and reggae, as Etana performs some of her biggest, classic and newest hits in Oxford, Manchester, Birmingham and London over the next few weeks.
The Criminal Investigation Branch of the Caymanas Police are investigating the murder of two men that were found in a motor car in Watson Grove, Caymanas, St. Catherine on Thursday.
Even as the Jamaica Constabulary Force swore in its 29th commissioner of police, George Quallo, at a ceremony at the Police Officers Club in Kingston, criminals continue the bloodletting and mayhem that has made the island one of the most violent in the Western hemisphere.
Delroy Gordon, executive director of the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC), has died.

Alkaline hit back on Wednesday afternoon, accusing Beenie of telling lies, and in the process using a derogatory term, dare we say it, “a pussy” to describe the veteran artiste.

Angry residents of Whithorn, Westmoreland angrily beat a man almost to the point of death this morning. According to the cops, the incident happened at about 1030 a.m, and the man is suspected of perpetrating several robberies in the area.
Olympic legend Usain Bolt called into MUTV to sing the praises of his favourite Manchester United football club via the club’s post-match phone-in after a stirring come-from-behind victory.