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How Delus de inna paper ah talk say Konshens “just get a scratch”? If ah did my brother, mi nah talk to no media, all kinda people woulda haffi a run go country now and dem ting de. Wah kinda pretty bwoy ting this inna dancehall. The man dem beat up him bredda in front of the console of Mojito Mondays in front of the whole dance.
How Delus de inna paper ah talk say Konshens “just get a scratch”? If ah did my brother, mi nah talk to no media, all kinda people woulda haffi a run go country now and dem ting de. Wah kinda pretty bwoy ting this inna dancehall. The man dem beat up him bredda in front of the console of Mojito Mondays in front of the whole dance.
Reggae singer Luciano has cancelled his trip to Africa because of the fears associated with the spreading Ebola panic in western Africa. Luciano’s booking agent Sonia Sterling confirmed to bounce876.com that the Over the Valleys singer changed his mind at the last minute.
Reggae singer Luciano has cancelled his trip to Africa because of the fears associated with the spreading Ebola panic in western Africa. Luciano’s booking agent Sonia Sterling confirmed to bounce876.com that the Over the Valleys singer changed his mind at the last minute.