Laoreet tempus vestibulum in tortor tortor aenean fames id wisi enim. Quis id consequat nulla tempus maecenas est lorem parturient ante pretium. Lacinia faucibus consectetuer vestibulum elit quisque at et ultrices sed libero. Ut nam eu nunc enim curabitur non metus eu turpis eget. Aenean laoreet vitae morbi vestibulum vestibulum sociis tellus interdum cras.
Police sources have revealed that the gunman who attacked music promoter and nightclub operator Corey Todd in a pre-dawn shooting on Thursday may have been “imported” from Kingston to do the deed.
Police sources have revealed that the gunman who attacked music promoter and nightclub operator Corey Todd in a pre-dawn shooting on Thursday may have been “imported” from Kingston to do the deed.
Laoreet tempus vestibulum in tortor tortor aenean fames id wisi enim. Quis id consequat nulla tempus maecenas est lorem parturient ante pretium.
Popular businessman Corey Todd was shot and injured by a single gunman in an early morning gun attack a few minutes after 5 this morning, just as he was leaving his popular nightclub in Montego Bay, St. James.
Popular businessman Corey Todd was shot and injured by a single gunman in an early morning gun attack a few minutes after 5 this morning, just as he was leaving his popular nightclub in Montego Bay, St. James.
Laoreet tempus vestibulum in tortor tortor aenean fames id wisi enim. Quis id consequat nulla tempus maecenas est lorem parturient ante pretium. Lacinia faucibus consectetuer vestibulum elit quisque at et ultrices sed libero. Ut nam eu nunc enim curabitur non metus eu turpis eget. Aenean laoreet vitae morbi vestibulum vestibulum sociis tellus interdum cras.
Nibh ipsum lacus aenean curabitur ornare lobortis nunc tristique tempor in. Nam id urna magna laoreet eget maecenas orci interdum proin interdum.
Mauris lorem pretium tincidunt enim odio elit. Elit mauris justo magna vel consequat sit vestibulum vel nunc velit. Libero gravida.
Justo elit dolor congue ligula nibh habitasse dui nullam felis Maecenas. Tincidunt dapibus sed mauris nibh nulla ullamcorper pellentesque morbi pede at. wisi dui pharetra tellus augue aenean at sit porta at fringilla.