This is Adidja Palmer stating the facts
In 2011, I was charged for murder by way of a statement which indicated that I had ordered Lenburgh McDonald to murder Barrington ‘Bossie’ Burton.
Weeks later, said witness gave a statement to the Public Defender saying that he was physically assaulted and threatened by the police to say that I was involved in ‘Bossie’ Burton’s death. Days later, he gave another statement to the Public Defender saying that since he recanted the first statement, he has been getting death threats via calls to his phone.
Days after my first murder charge, I was charged with another murder (Clive ‘Lizard’ Williams). In this case, the police (by way of a Senior Superintendent who was later charged with “attempting to pervert the course of justice” in a separate incident) campaigned every Monday morning on a certain TV station claiming they had DNA evidence, which came back 7 months later as negative. They also led the public to believe that they had video tape of me and my co-accused murdering Williams. I would like to add that the police made a lot of damaging remarks against me. A most notable one would be “since his arrest, the community is a safer place”.
On the 4th of November 2011, a search was done by the Caribbean Search team on my cellblock at the Gun Court Remand Centre. Three cells are on the block where I was located. When the search was done, only a phone battery was found in the cell beside my cell. I was present as well as another remandee in my cell, plus one remandee in the cell that the battery was found and two remandees in the third cell.
In addition to the search team comprised on police and JDF soldiers, the police on duty stationed at the Remand Centre were present. Following the search, I was removed to the Horizon Remand Centre that same day and was charged a few days later with “attempting to pervert the course of justice”.
When the file relating to my charged was handed over to my lawyer, the police indicated that a phone was found in my cell.
On Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013, the Caribbean Search Team conducted a search of cell block S.P 2 of the Horizon Remand Centre, that is the block where I am located. The cells are numbered 17 to 24, and there are eight cells on the block. A search of my cell #21 was done and nothing was found. No contraband whatsoever. In addition to the search team, warders who work at the Horizon were present, namely Mr. (NAME DELETED), Mr. (NAME DELETED) and Mr. (NAME DELETED). Mr. (NAME DELETED), to my knowledge, being the team leader. All warders present witnessed the search as it is mandatory. Three phones were found in cell 19, occupied by one George Cooper and one phone given to the search team by an occupant of cell 20.
On Saturday, February 16th, 2013, my lawyer Ms. Valrie Neita Robertson showed me a document produced in a bail hearing by the prosecutor signed by a high-ranking member of the J.C.F which states that three cell phones were found in my cell during a search on January 22nd, 2013. My bail was denied based mainly on this blatant lie by the Jamaican police.
I would very much like the public and the world at large to read this letter impartially and unbiased and I am demanding that INDECOM, human rights organisations and the powers that be investigate the events that took place on the mornings of November 4th, 2011 and January 22nd, 2013. I have been in custody since the 30th September 2011.
Adidja Palmer o.c World Boss
P.S I have written to INDECOM twice, one letter was delivered by my common law wife in early February and one by attorney-at-law Miguel Lorne on or about February 20th, both in 2013, and whilst the true record of the search as it relates to “what was found where” is at the Horizon Remand Centre, I doubt I will get the same equitable outcome at the Gun Court Remand Centre because only their fellow officers (police) work there.
Everything as it relates to my case is a fabrication, everything is fabricated. Don’t know whose corn I may have stepped on in the past but it is now coming back to haunt me.