Why did Down Sound choose Ishawna over Foota Hype? Is the suspension the real reason he quit????? Or was it her relationship with Skatta? Foota Hype knew that Ishawna was done with him since FEBRUARY 2014, why wait till September to blow this out of proportion???? DId he love Joe’s money that much??? He knew that the writing was on the wall and he would not be getting Joe’s money anymore so he had to leave!!!Ishawna outmanoeuvred him, outsmarted him and she is more of an asset to Down Sound than he is. GAME OVER!!!! Crybaby 10,000 views in one week!!!! Foota, yu need a refund from yu obeahman, the accident no work, the smear campaign nah work!!!!!


It come in like Ishawna have the “Unforgettable” like Natalie Cole mek Foota Hype caaan stop talk bout her. Sour grapes much, Foota???? How she ah move from a wife to a studio mattress???? Wonder wah Ishawna ah say bout the Crybaby ting a true and yu a bawl living eye water over ishawna clean good good hole. WHOI, MI BODY!!!! Ishawna, it come in like yu rent a space inna Foota Hype life. If yu run a CT scan inna him head, yu see Ishawna picture inna him brain. If yu x-ray him heart, ah fi her face yu see. It come in like girl ah mad bwoy proper. A wah dis inna dancehall???