The police have activated a High Alert for 9-year-old twins Yahamalit and Tiwahrisah Holness of Norwood, St James who have been missing since Tuesday, June 14. Both are of a brown complexion and are approximately four feet tall The brother and sister were last seen at home. Their modes of […]

International dancehall star Beenie Man showed off his avante-garde fashion style and his flair for dressing earlier this week when he posted a photo of himself in a dashing three-piece suit that set social media on fire. The Girls Dem Sugar deejay was nattily-attired in a beret hat, a velvet gold-buttoned […]

Reggae songstress Etana has welcomed an overture by Jamaican academics who plan to conduct a study on whether or not Jamaica has, over centuries, developed a “culture of rape”. “It would be a great idea to study and start conversations about rape culture in Jamaica. it would encourage other women in […]

Popular US YouTuber Jayda Cheaves, also known as Jayda Wayda, and Gregory Wright, a member of her entourage, are in hot water in Jamaica and we’re not talking about a jacuzzi. Both were both charged by police in Jamaica with the illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition, after two […]